
Can I take HRT?

Can I take HRT?

There has been no research regarding HRT and ICP. As with hormonal contraception, it’s a question of trying it to see what happens. Anecdotally (not scientifically proven) some women have reported successful use of HRT. It is recommended that to bypass the liver estrogen is used transdermally, and for those women who still have a uterus progesterone will be needed; this can be used vaginally.

We recommend that you see your GP or practice nurse to discuss this with him or her and ask to be referred to a menopause specialist. You will also need to have a liver blood test performed before you start to take HRT.

Good sources of information about menopause can be found at Menopause Support and My Menopause Doctor.

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Girling J, Knight CL, Chappell L; on behalf of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy. BJOG 2022; 1–20.